Elliott Chenger

VP of Software Engineering

Elliott Chenger's name has become synonymous with impeccable software engineering and exceptional leadership. Born in Canada, Elliott has an intrinsic passion for ice hockey. His zeal for the sport saw him founding the Auburn Hockey team during his time at Auburn University, where he majored in Software Engineering.

Beginning his career as an Associate Engineer at Mutual Mobile, Elliott quickly demonstrated an exceptional acumen for Android development. Over a span of three years, he rose through the ranks, playing pivotal roles in developing and shipping apps for major healthcare providers and leading projects that integrated automation and wearables.

His journey continued at Under Armour, where he helmed the team responsible for creating mobile software that integrated with Bluetooth Low Energy devices. Elliott was integral in driving innovation, spearheading initiatives such as the creation of technical roadmaps, developing features for wearable devices, and crafting best practices for internationalization and localization.

The next phase of his career took him to Dosh, where as a Senior Engineering Manager, he championed the pivotal transition of mobile apps into SDKs, laying the foundation for a B2B unit. Elliott's ability to look at the bigger picture while focusing on the intricate details became evident at Saks Fifth Avenue. As their Director of Engineering, he led the charge in several key areas including separating the company from its parent, establishing performance teams, and initiating the transition to AWS.

Now, as the VP of Engineering at Ribbiot, Elliott is focused on building the Ribbiot platform and ecosystem. He resonates deeply with Ribbiot’s mission and is particularly impressed by the team's collaborative spirit and extensive background. For Elliott, Ribbiot's challenges represent an exciting puzzle waiting to be solved.

His professional accomplishments are numerous, but a standout achievement was his leadership at Dosh in reshaping mobile strategies to bolster the B2B segment. This entailed a comprehensive approach from engineering architecture to business viability.

Elliott’s core values – Integrity, Creativity, Courage, and Determination – are not just words; they have informed every decision in his career. From pushing boundaries and challenging norms to unwaveringly sticking to ethical decisions, Elliott embodies these values in every endeavor.

His areas of expertise span across software engineering, management, and recruiting. Coupled with his passion for ice hockey and founding the Auburn Hockey team, Elliott brings a unique blend of technical acumen, leadership, and personal zest to the table.